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Whilst building show stands for Theo Steyn Models Johann became interested in audio visual and multi-screen presentations.

He joint with Wolfgang Dirksen who brought the first ever audio visual system into South Africa and in 1968 Multivisio was born.

Multivisio imported the first 16 projector system from ELECTROSONIC in London and started a new concept in Show stand design, automated Corporate  Audio Visual Presentations.

The industry grew, and so did Multivisio, with a series of prestigious shows for the Department of Information, Anglo American and and the 10th aneversery presentation of the Republic of South Africa in Cape Town.

Multivisio took these road-shows throughout South Africa, Maputo and Zimbabwe and heralded the start of the staging industry in Southern Africa.

SATOUR -  (South African Tourist Corporation)

at the FACIM Lourenco Marques show, was a 8 projector show with music and 40x40mm super-slides that ran automatically for the full 10 days of the show (first computer controlled show in the country.)

Anglo American Pavilion - Salisbury, Rhodesia

First multiscreen and automatic sound and light show in Southern Africa.

Johann commissioned David Hume a photographer from Zimbabwe (old Rhodesia) to take a storyboard (consisting of 1280 35mm slides) of all Anglo American facilities in Zimbabwe.

This was programmed on16 slide projectors with Electosonic dissolve units and  a dual stereo special composed sound track.

The 16 min sound and light show ran automatically every 20 min unattended for 3 weeks while Multivisio returned to South Africa a 10 hour drive in 1970.

In 1971 Theo Steyn Models was commissioned to design a Pavilion for the 10th anniversary of the Republic of South Africa.

Johann used the experience that learned in Japan and design a 30 meter diameter dome 15 meter high that was only suspended by air.

inside was a 8 screen 360 degree 16 projector slide show with the first seround sound.

The theatre had 4 doors and accommodated 400 people every 20 minutes.

Over 150 000 people saw the 15 min show, about the beauty of South Africa as a destination, over a 15 day period.

We won the Gold medal for the best pavilion and the organisers even created a special award for Best New Innovation.

Web design by Johann Kruger Multivisio


  Anglo American

  Republic of South Africa

Johann and Maryna took unpaid leave and visited EXPO in Japan to study the latest trends in show-stand design and presentations.